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Easy Guide To Links & Studs

How to Wear Cufflinks and Studs – 5 Easy to Follow Steps

Cufflinks and Studs are generally worn with most formal shirts and may also be referred to as “Formal Jewelry”. They’re a great way to add personal style to any tuxedo, suit or dress shirt. With so many choices, they can also be a way to support your favorite sports team, thank your groomsmen for their service, or simply complete your formalwear look.

Difference Between Cufflinks and Studs

Your tuxedo rental will come with a set of formal jewelry which includes four studes and two cufflinks. A set of optional, premium jewelry is shown

Inserting a shiny set of cufflinks and studs into your crisp, tuxedo shirt is easy! Follow these simple steps…


Cufflinks – Step 1:

With your shirt on, pinch the cuffs of your sleeve together so that the insides of both sides of the shirt sleeve are pressed together or “kissing”.

Pinched Sleeve of Tuxedo Shirt

Pinch the sleeve of the tuxedo shirt together

Cufflinks – Step 2:

Insert the cufflink through both holes in the shirt’s cuff. The colored, decorative part of the cufflink should face the outside when your arm is at your side.

Insert Cufflink Through Both Button Holes

Insert the cufflink through both button holes

Cufflinks – Step 3:

Depending on the cufflink style, you may need to secure the cufflink on the backside of the shirt’s cuff.

Bullet Back or Toggle Closure – The most common of all cufflink styles and the easiest to put on. This style has a bullet-shaped or narrow bar that is suspended between two posts. Prior to inserting it through the shirt’s sleeve holes, the bar should be flipped 90 degrees, so that it lines up with the posts. The bar is then flipped back to the horizontal position, securing the cufflink in place on the shirt.

Fixed Backing – Fixed backings are an extension of the cufflink. This means that the cufflink post and backing are one solid piece and are affixed to the decorative side of the cufflink. The backing does not bend or move in any way. The rounded backing may be a bit harder to insert through the shirt’s holes, but the non-moving parts make it more resilient in the long run.

Bullet Back Cufflink Closure

Bullet Back Closure


Studs – Step 4:

Look for the stud hole next to each pearl button on the front of your tuxedo shirt. Insert the front or decorative side of the stud through the stud hole… starting from the inside of the shirt. You can ignore the pearl buttons found on your tuxedo shirt; they are not needed when wearing studs.

Insert Stud Through the Back Stud Hole

Insert the stud through the back stud hole.

Studs – Step 5:

Then, with the stud acting as a button, feed it through the font button hole on the formal shirt. This will secure the front closed. Repeat the process for all four studs.

Secure the Front of the Shirt Closed using the Stud

Secure the front of the shirt closed using the stud.

Stud Style

Although black is the traditional color for tuxedo jewelry, the color of your formal jewelry may vary depending on your choice of tuxedo or suit. Studs come in sets of four. If you’re wearing a bow tie with your tuxedo or suit, you should wear all four studs. However, if you choose to wear a windsor tie and vest with your tuxedo or suit, you may choose to skip wearing the studs, since they won’t be visible under the windsor tie.